What Does a Content Marketing Consultant Do?

What Does a Content Marketing Consultant Do?

content marketing consultant content marketing success engagement small business small business marketing strategy small business owner Nov 03, 2023

Content Marketing Consultant- An individual or group specialized in offering professional guidance on devising a content plan aimed at enlightening and eliciting responses from a targeted demographic. 

The digital landscape is a competitive arena where brands vie for the attention and loyalty of consumers. At the forefront of this battle are content marketing consultants, whose expertise shapes the way businesses communicate, persuade, and educate their audience through content. But what exactly does a content marketing consultant do, and how do they add value to a business?

Who is a Content Marketing Consultant?

A content marketing consultant is a strategist and creator, someone who not only understands the mechanics of the internet but also knows how to create content that resonates with an audience. As a content marketing consultant for Real Brave, someone who made the department I should say, my approach blends strategic insight with creative flair. I dive deep into the mechanics of what we do, drawing from my own experiences to shape content that genuinely connects with an audience. It's a principle I've seen proven time and again: providing information that's not only high-quality and relevant but also backed by solid data is what moves the needle, turning prospects into loyal customers and driving profitable actions.

This flair, if you will, provides a deep understanding of the service we are offering, credibility, and a succinct SEO that begins to grow roots in the cracks of the whole internet. It doesn’t hurt that our site is already 20 years old and is sandwiched right up there in Domain authority but it is still work that needs to be done. Plus, content marketing is never done and each post is its own living, breathing thing.

What Strategies Do Content Marketing Managers Employ?

From my experience, if you can’t do your own content, Content marketing consultants start by understanding a brand's audience, defining key messaging, and creating a content strategy that aligns with the business's goals. If you do hire someone, make sure their understanding is so spot-on, it will be obvious this is an in-house article or whatever. 

I can’t tell you how many times I hired an agency to “write” blog posts for us and paid good money for 3 articles a month (or whatever) and the product was generic. Sometimes keyword stuff, most times stupid and worthless.

 A meaningful strategy can’t just be an article here and there. If you want brand authority your strategy from a content marketing consultant should  include:

  • SEO-optimized blog posts
  • Engaging social media content
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Lead generation content
  • Video Marketing

Their work often crosses multiple platforms and formats, aiming to create a cohesive and brand-aligned message that engages the target audience at various touchpoints.

Where Do Content Marketing Consultants Make the Biggest Impact?

Consultants can make a significant impact on a brand's online presence by:

  • Increasing Visibility: By creating SEO-friendly content that ranks higher in search engine results, making the brand more discoverable.
  • Enhancing Engagement: Through compelling storytelling and valuable information that resonates with the audience, keeping them engaged.
  • Driving Conversion: Strategically placing calls to action and creating content that nudges prospects along the sales funnel.

Examples of Successful Content Marketing Consultants

Certainly! Here are three notable consultants and firms in the field:

  • Neil Patel: Co-founder of NP Digital, Neil is recognized for his expertise in digital marketing and content strategies. His blog, neilpatel.com, is a rich resource for SEO and content marketing insights.
  • Ann Handley: A pioneer in digital marketing and content creation, Ann is the Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs and a best-selling author. Her work emphasizes the importance of engaging content for successful marketing.
  • Joe Pulizzi: Founder of the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), Joe is one of the best advocates for content marketing. CMI is a hub for content marketing education and resources, which can be found at contentmarketinginstitute.com

What's a Real-World Case Study of Content Marketing Success?

I learned about this at the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business program. A standout case study is that of American Express’s 'Open Forum' website. Aimed at business owners, the platform provides valuable resources and articles. By employing a content marketing consultant, American Express was able to create a community around its brand, significantly increasing engagement and establishing itself as a thought leader in the business finance industry. The 'Open Forum' has become a benchmark in content marketing, illustrating the power of relevant and valuable content in building trust and community.

A content marketing consultant plays a pivotal role in the way businesses engage with their audience. They are part marketers, part creators, and part strategists. Through their work, they help brands tell their stories, showcase their value, and connect with customers on a deeper level.

For more insights on content marketing consultants and to see the breadth of their work, reference sites such as HubSpot’s blog, Moz, and Content Marketing Institute offer a wealth of knowledge and case studies. Their contributions to the digital marketing sphere underscore the importance and effectiveness of content marketing in today's digital world.

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