Daniel Powers Jr | Audience

Audience Is The New Currency

Feb 19, 2023

Audience building


Dear fellow marketers and future/ current small business owners,


An employee came into my office the other day and asked if she could speak with me. My response was, “well Twitter is down so sure”.


I’ve spent more time on social media because the world of marketing has changed drastically.


Everyone is selling something now.


Bombarded isn’t even the word.


Our senses are being assaulted. To stand out you must think differently.



Marketing and advertising are 2 different things:


Marketing is the strategy for creating and delivering customer value

Advertising is promoting products or services through paid media.


People are marketing and advertising in public. It has become completely unhinged.


And then….. there is me: Savvy business owner veteran. Has a strategy that worked for years and all of a sudden we have a pandemic that changes literally everything. He realizes quickly that advertising no longer works. The search begins.



What works


Find an audience.




They invited you in, so speak to them

Solve a problem they have and do it for free

Create raving fans by giving knowledge away

Build a content machine that captures the minds

Inspire and motivate them to stay with you

…. and actually follow you.


It’s not enough to have followers. Who cares about that? The followers are the ones that read your newsletter and take in your information.


Raving fans.


Create 1 raving fan today and let the rule of compounding take over by sitting down every day to speak to that 1 person.


1 will turn into a million with time & care.


Then sell to your true audience.


That’s marketing for 2023+


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