The Only Guide You Need To Hire A Brand Marketing Consultant

The Only Guide You Need To Hire A Brand Marketing Consultant

brand branding business business marketing strategy marketing marketing for business marketing strategy Oct 10, 2023

So you are posting content like a champ getting anywhere between 1 and a trillion views, eh?

Do you have a personal brand you are trying to get off the ground?

Join the fight, friend!!

A few years ago, someone figured out that the future of entertainment was on YouTube, Reels, Shorts, TikTok, and the like. Then the battle began.

The Fight For Relevancy… and views.

There began the influencers whose prime content is to show you how to make content.

There began the creators who made videos speaking to your innermost desire: How to make a viral video.

This is not a scientific statement but I have heard people say it so I will just launch it:

Just make videos and it will go viral.

(Wrong buzzer)

I’ve spent a ton of money and time understanding how these people are successful and it comes down to a lot of time and concepts which I will boil down here.

  1. Your Brand Is Everything
  2. Your Content is King
  3. Your Sales Pitch Comes last.

Creating a Brand That Stick.

(trumpets blare) Do not hire a brand marketing consultant. You can do this yourself.

A personal brand refers to the unique combination of skills, experiences, and personality traits that an individual brings to the table. It's the way in which individuals market themselves and communicate their unique value proposition to others. Here are some key elements that encompass a personal brand:

  • Reputation and Image: It's about how others perceive you. This perception is often based on your past actions, achievements, behavior, and overall demeanor.
  • Unique Value Proposition: Just as products and companies have unique selling points, individuals have traits or skills that set them apart from others.
  • Consistency: A strong personal brand is consistent. This means that individuals should consistently showcase the same values and expertise across various platforms and in interactions.
  • Visibility: It's about making yourself seen and heard in the right places. This could be through networking, social media, blogging, speaking engagements, and more.
  • Authenticity: Genuine personal branding means being true to who you are. Instead of trying to imitate someone else, it’s about understanding your true self and showcasing it.
  • Personal Story: Everyone has a story, and this narrative plays a crucial role in personal branding. It makes you relatable and showcases your journey, struggles, successes, and lessons learned.
  • Digital Presence: In today's digital age, personal branding often involves a digital footprint. This includes your social media profiles, personal websites, blogs, or any other form of online content you produce.

In essence, a personal brand is similar to a company's brand; it's a way of promoting and differentiating yourself in the marketplace or in your industry. It's about controlling your career narrative and ensuring that people see you in the way you wish to be seen.

The personal brand dictates how you will be positioned in the marketplace. If your content is about marketing but all of your website material leaves a user with the impression that you are a musician- well that won’t sit well.

Your brand should invoke a feeling to the end user and make them interested in you. Then your content will follow.

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