Create Engaging Youtube Shorts

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Engaging YouTube Shorts in 2024

content creation engaging content social media engagement youtube youtube content youtube shorts Dec 01, 2023

"Hey, You! Yes, YOU! Wanna Know the Real Scoop on YouTube Shorts? Buckle Up, Buttercup, ‘Cause You’re in for a Ride!"

Listen Up: Why YouTube Shorts Ain't Your Average Walk-in-the-Park nonsense you see on TikTok.

Do you think YouTube Shorts is just another TikTok or Instagram Reel? 

Think again, my friend! YouTube is the big leagues, the major player in the digital world. YouTube is all in on Shorts and I am too having created 200 in the past year (god help me) with millions of views.

We're talking about a gigantic pool of 122 million daily users! That's 122 million chances to get your content seen, to expand your horizons. If you're pumping out TikToks and Reels and ignoring YouTube Shorts, you're leaving money on the table. Period.


The Secret Sauce: Promote Your Long Stuff with the Short Stuff

Here’s a killer strategy: YouTube lets you use bite-sized content to hook viewers into your longer videos. It’s like serving appetizers that are so good, your guests can't wait for the main course. No need to shuffle your audience off to another platform. Keep 'em right where you want ‘em: on YOUR channel. The kick here is you need to create both. Having been on both sides of the editing table here, it’s not easy but it’s possible if you

  1. Plan
  2. Commit to a strategy
  3. Don’t stop (most important)

Number three- I can’t stress this enough. You have to keep going. Know that this is a 1-2 year strategy- if you break into it early and get better success quicker than I did then just hats off to you Mr or Mrs. Big Guy/ gal. It’s a dog-eat-dog world and I am wearing milkbone underwear.


Why YouTube is the Swiss Army Knife of Video Content

Ever notice how your tastes change throughout the day? Sometimes you want a quick snack, sometimes a full meal. YouTube gets this. It’s got your short-form cravings covered AND it’s got your back when you want more substantial content. It's the one-stop shop for all your video needs.


YouTube Shorts: The Underdog for Businesses

If you're a business thinking TikTok is your only bet for short-form content, wake up and smell the coffee! YouTube is like a vast ocean of diverse fish just waiting to be caught. TikTok might have the Gen Z crowd, but YouTube? It’s the melting pot of every demographic you can think of.


The Trusty Old YouTube: A Safe Bet in Choppy Waters

Remember all that fuss about TikTok getting banned? Yeah, YouTube’s been around the block and it's not going anywhere. It’s the rock in the storm, the reliable platform where you can post your short-form content without losing sleep over it.


Want to Crush It with YouTube Shorts? Here's How!

Easy-Peasy Lemon Squeezy: Why You Gotta Try YouTube Shorts

Making YouTube Shorts is as easy as falling off a log. Already making Reels or TikToks? Great, you’re halfway there. Just repurpose that content for YouTube Shorts and watch your channel soar. And if you haven’t dipped your toes into the short-form pool yet, there's no better place to start than YouTube Shorts. Especially if you’re already playing in YouTube’s sandbox.


The Secret Weapon in Your Marketing Arsenal

Not using short-form content in your marketing mix is like going to a gunfight with a knife. YouTube Shorts is your howitzer. It's got all the tools to turn your existing videos into gold nuggets of short content. And guess what? This variety is like catnip for new subscribers who’ll soon be binging on your longer videos.


Know the Rules Before You Play the Game

Ready to jump into YouTube Shorts? Cool your jets! First, you gotta know the rules of the game:

  • You need 1,000 subscribers to start.
  • Your Shorts can be up to 60 seconds, either in one shot or several small ones.
  • Think vertical, baby! We're talking 9:16 aspect ratio and a sharp 1920x1080 resolution.
  • Use YouTube’s audio library to jazz up your content.
  • Hit 10 million views in 90 days with 1,000 subscribers and you might just get a piece of YouTube’s revenue pie, starting early 2023.

The Lowdown on Making Your Shorts

Hit the “+” icon in the YouTube app, give it the green light to use your camera and mic, and boom – you're a filmmaker. You can either shoot on the fly or upload a pre-made masterpiece. Keep it under 60 seconds, and you're golden.


Monetizing Your Masterpieces

There’s real money in YouTube Shorts. The YouTube Shorts Fund is a cool $100M just waiting to be claimed by creative geniuses like you. Stick to the rules, be original, and you could be raking in the dough. And don’t forget the old-school way – brand deals and sponsorships. There's gold in them hills!


Case Studies: The Who's Who of YouTube Shorts

From The Voice using Shorts as a teaser trailer, to Mr Beast turning his long-form gold into short-form gems, big players are making serious waves with Shorts. Whether it's cooking, sports, or design tips, the sky's the limit. Get creative, and make those Shorts work for you!

In the fast-paced world of digital media, short-form content is rapidly gaining traction. Among the platforms driving this trend, YouTube Shorts is a rising star. Introduced as a direct competitor to platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts offers creators a new way to engage and grow their audience.


Planning Your Content

Before diving into filming, take time to brainstorm ideas that align with your audience's interests. Map out your content using storyboarding and scripts to keep it concise and engaging. This upfront planning can greatly improve the quality of your Shorts.


Filming Techniques

When filming your Shorts, always use a vertical format to optimize for mobile viewing. Experiment with creative techniques such as smooth transitions, different camera angles, and in-app filters to make your Shorts more engaging.


Editing Your Short

YouTube's in-app editing tools make it easy to edit your Shorts right after filming. However, you may also choose to use third-party apps for more advanced editing options to enhance your content.


Optimizing for Engagement

To maximize your Shorts' reach, write compelling titles and descriptions, and use relevant hashtags. Understanding when your audience is most active on YouTube can also help determine the best time to post your Shorts.


Leveraging Shorts for Growth

Incorporating Shorts into your overall YouTube strategy can help boost your channel's growth. Encourage viewers to interact with your content and subscribe to your channel, ensuring regular engagement with your audience.

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